The Walton Collection of Nebraska National Bank Notes
Gerome Walton (profile) assembled between 1965 and 2021 the most comprehensive collection of Nebraska National Bank Notes yet assembled. The collection consists of 1,121 notes from 260 of the 290 Nebraska banks from which notes have been reported. After Walton's passing on August 7, 2021, a team of collectors and researchers came together to digitally preserve an archival record of the Gerome Walton Collection of Nebraska National Bank Notes before the collection was dispersed. The story of the digital preservation of the Walton Collection was published in May/June 2023 issue The Society of Paper Money Collector's Paper Money Journal and can be read here.
Collection Highlights
- Notes from 260 of the 290 collectable Nebraska National Banks that issued bank notes between 1863 & 1935. (349 Nebraska National Banks issued bank notes, but 59 of those banks have no reported surviving notes, and are currently uncollectable).
- Notes from 164 of the 205 Nebraska towns with National Banks that issued notes.
- 15 Serial Number 1 notes (8 large size and 7 small size), and 16 UnCut Sheets (2 large size and 14 small size, with 9 of the small size sheets being Serial Number 1 sheets).
- To view/download a spreadsheet listing all of the notes in this collection with links to the note images, use this link: Walton NBN Collection spreadsheet
You can search & sort the list of notes in the table below and view high-resolution images of the front & back of each note by clicking on the corresponding image links. You can also click on the charter link to view the SPMC Bank Info page for that bank.
Searching: To Find all occurrences of a specified word/phrase on this page, press Ctrl-F and enter the word/phrase to search for.
Sorting: The table below can be sorted based on any of the columns. Just click on the column header of the column you want to sort by. Clicking again on the column header will toggle thru the three sort order options. The arrow(s) on the sort column indicate the current sort order: Both-Arrows (Up & Down) is Original/Default sort order, Up-Arrow is Ascending, Down-Arrow is Descending.
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The Walton Collection of Nebraska National Bank Notes (1123 Notes) (July 28, 2024)
State | Town | Charter | Bank Title | Type | Denom | Bank Serial | Plate Letter | Treasury Serial | Front Image | Back Image | Note Comments | Date Acquired | Acquired From |
NE | Adams | 9223 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1771 | C | 1771 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Adams | 9223 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000008A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 8/12/20009 | Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Ainsworth | 8992 | The National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4595 | B | T608087H | Image | Image | 8/27/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Ainsworth | 8992 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000455A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Ainsworth | 8992 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000055A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Ainsworth | 8992 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000239 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 2/8/2013 | Steve Skillman | |
NE | Ainsworth | 8992 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000472 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 12/29/1972 | Trade with Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 740 | C | Y466928 | Image | Image | 11/1985 | Hickman & Oakes auction, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 2422 | C | N931309A | Image | Image | 10/15/1970 | Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4788 | A | K644390H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4788 | B | K644390H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5840 | A | 5840 | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5845 | A | 5845 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000314A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000479A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Albion | 3960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000011A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5627 | B | U349009H | Image | Image | 11/1968 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4555 | A | T451777E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4557 | A | T451779E | Image | Image | 2/1986 | Ken Hallenbeck, Colorado Springs, Co | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4560 | A | T451782E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000152A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000152A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000153A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000155A | B | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000156A | B | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000154A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000155A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000156A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000157A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000157A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000157A | F | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000158A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000158A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000158A | F | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 Cut Sheet | A000211A-F000211A | A-B-C-D-E-F | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Duane White | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 Cut Sheet | A000212A-F000212A | A-B-C-D-E-F | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Duane White | |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000375A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000377A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000378A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000379A | B | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000379A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000379A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000379A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000380A | B | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000380A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000380A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000380A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000381A | B | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000381A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000381A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000381A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000382A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000382A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000382A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000383A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000383A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000383A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000384A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000384A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000384A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000385A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000385A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000385A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000385A | F | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000386A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000386A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000386A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000386A | F | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000387A | C | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000387A | D | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000387A | E | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000387A | F | N/A | Note was not scanned | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | ||
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000899A | A | N/A | Image | Image | "BANK" spelled "BAHK" on note | 11/19/1971 | Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA |
NE | Albion | 4173 | The Albion National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000967A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Alliance | 4226 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1071 | D | N788559 | Image | Image | 7/1999 | eBay auction | |
NE | Alliance | 4226 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6310 | A | D952552E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 4226 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 9524 | B | 9524 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 4226 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000521A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 4226 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000056A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 5657 | The Alliance National Bank | 1882 Value Back | $10 | 5031 | E | U449489 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 5657 | Alliance National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2006 | C | K766658H | Image | Image | 4/9/1970 | Hickman & Waters (Art Kagin), Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Alliance | 5657 | Alliance National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4054 | A | 4054 | Image | Image | 3/1972 | Jim Hosrolbe | |
NE | Alliance | 5657 | Alliance National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000747A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 9/20/1970 | Ell Kay Larson | |
NE | Alliance | 5657 | Alliance National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000125A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 5657 | Alliance National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000257A | C | N/A | Image | Image | Black overprint very light | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE |
NE | Alliance | 13617 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A006923 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1993 | ANA Early Spring Convention | |
NE | Alliance | 13617 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A003598 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Alliance | 13617 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000773 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 12/29/1972 | Trade with Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Amherst | 9092 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3833 | F | 3833 | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped president signature | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE |
NE | Amherst | 9092 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000268A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 8/1969 | Trade with Robert A. Condo, Drayton Plains, MI | |
NE | Arapahoe | 3302 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 429 | B | B313650 | Image | Image | 6/25/1981 | Trade at Memphis show | |
NE | Arlington | 4583 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2429 | A | 2429 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Arlington | 4583 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000050A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/14/1974 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Arlington | 4583 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000066A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Ashland | 2121 | The First National Bank of | Original | $1 | 590 | B | D610627 | Image | Image | The note was not reported at time Walton published his book in 1978, and is the only Nebraska charter in the book that is not represented with an illustration of a note or proof. | 12/7/1995 | Spink America Live Auction #8323, Lot #2448, via Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 212 | A | X579379 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6781 | D | 6781 | Image | Image | 7/19/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | B001973A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000532A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000817A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000819A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000025A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 2921 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A000111 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/4/2016 | ANA National Money Show, Dallas, TX | |
NE | Ashland | 13435 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000193 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 13435 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000077 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 13435 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $50 | A000203 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/17/1971 | Jim McKee, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Ashland | 13435 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $50 | A000228 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/7/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Atkinson | 6489 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3881 | B | 3881 | Image | Image | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Atkinson | 6489 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000080A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 7/19/1973 | Frank at Bruning State Bank, Bruning, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4607 | E | 4607 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4329 | B | 4329 | Image | Image | 7/19/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000014A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | E000193A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000257A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000325A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Auburn | 3628 | The Carson National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5275 | B | H515365D | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3628 | The Carson National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 9768 | B | 9768 | Image | Image | 4/2012 | Don C. Kelly, Oxford, OH | |
NE | Auburn | 3628 | The Carson National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000533A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3628 | The Carson National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000115A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Auburn | 3628 | The Carson National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001356 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Aurora | 2897 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 490 | E | K320636 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Aurora | 2897 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000072A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Aurora | 8246 | The Fidelity National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 2566 | B | Z592960A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Aurora | 8246 | The Fidelity National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3707 | D | V767367B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Aurora | 9056 | The Aurora National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 3753 | F | Y759133A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Bancroft | 8863 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3097 | E | K512129H | Image | Image | 7/1979 | Allen Mincho | |
NE | Bancroft | 8863 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000083A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Bancroft | 8863 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000029 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/29/1992 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Bayard | 9666 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4798 | C | 4798 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Bayard | 9666 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2305 | A | U526753B | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Bayard | 9666 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000212A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Bayard | 9666 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000099A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/2000 | Lowell Horwedel | |
NE | Bayard | 9666 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000022A | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Bazile Mills | 8469 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1201 | B | Y755901A | Image | Image | 10/1990 | Mid America | |
NE | Beatrice | 2357 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 4333 | A | E293416E | Image | Image | 7/19/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 2357 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 10053 | B | 10053 | Image | Image | 8/30/2977 | Trade with Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 2357 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B001009A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 2357 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000085A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Beatrice | 2357 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000590A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 10/16/1969 | PNG Ossie's Coin Shop, Allentown, PA | |
NE | Beatrice | 2357 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000051 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3234 | D | M668209 | Image | Image | 11/17/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 4400 | F | M235983A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 9769 | E | V380961D | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 14311 | E | A553783K | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Russell Thatcher, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000341A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 11/27/1970 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000874A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1975 | trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000138A | A | N/A | Image | Image | Heat damaged note | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 partial uncut sheet | A002339-A002340 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1985 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Beatrice | 3081 | The Beatrice National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 uncut sheet | A002353-A002358 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1994 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 4148 | The German National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 4131 | C | T499249T | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Beatrice | 4185 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 69 | B | H812191 | Image | Image | 2/1983 | Discovery note for this bank; Nelson Clark | |
NE | Beemer | 6818 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3016 | E | M384273E | Image | Image | female assistant cashier signature | 9/1968 | Robert A. Condo, Drayton Plains, MI |
NE | Beemer | 6818 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3892 | F | 3892 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Beemer | 6818 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4112 | D | 4112 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Beemer | 6818 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000242A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/11/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Beemer | 6818 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000089 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Belden | 10025 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3707 | C | A564739K | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Belden | 10025 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3733 | C | 3733 | Image | Image | 11/21/1969 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Belden | 10025 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000255A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Belden | 10025 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000061A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 6/28/1968 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Benedict | 8105 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3938 | F | 3938 | Image | Image | no entry | no entry | |
NE | Benedict | 8105 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000026A | VF | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Benedict | 8105 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000067A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Bertrand | 8466 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1071 | E | U528287A | Image | Image | 6/1975 | James O'Donnell (Lex) | |
NE | Blue Hill | 3419 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 2587 | D | Z207005 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Blue Hill | 3419 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1118 | F | Y509030D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Blue Hill | 3419 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000074A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1975 | Fred (Joe) Bower, Hastings, NE | |
NE | Bradshaw | 8097 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2524 | B | T743666D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Bradshaw | 8097 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000043A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Bradshaw | 8097 | The First Naitonal Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 uncut sheet | A000001-A000006 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1989 | Trade with Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Bristow | 9448 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3645 | B | E318857H | Image | Image | 11/1968 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Broken Bow | 3449 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3754 | D | V568435 | Image | Image | 5/20/1974 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Broken Bow | 5995 | The Custer National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $5 | 1204 | E | N147616 | Image | Image | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Brownville | 1846 | The First National Bank of | Original | $2 | 1149 | A | C613996 | Image | Image | 7/1978 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Brownville | 1846 | The First National Bank of | 1875 | $20 | 751 | A | E352501 | Image | Image | 10/22/1972 | Floyd Jenny, Lyn Knight, Denver Show | |
NE | Brunswick | 10033 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1302 | A | Y768802A | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Burwell | 7340 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 625 | D | N872645A | Image | Image | 5/27/1977 | Trade with Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Butte | 9623 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4839 | B | M777641H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Butte | 9623 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5087 | C | V628469H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Butte | 9623 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5502 | A | 5502 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Butte | 9623 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | F000791A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Butte | 9623 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000140A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Simon Jewelry | |
NE | Butte | 9623 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000140A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Simon Jewelry | |
NE | Callaway | 9258 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 98 | A | E11873 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Cambridge | 6506 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3206 | B | K767168H | Image | Image | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Cambridge | 6506 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000020A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Cambridge | 6506 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000469A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 10/15/1970 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Cambridge | 6506 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 uncut sheet | A000547-A000552 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Carroll | 5957 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $10 | 2475 | E | V266823 | Image | Image | 5/26/1977 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Central City | 2871 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1 | B | A346729 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 1/1989 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS |
NE | Central City | 8385 | The Central City National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 3312 | G | T41168E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Central City | 8385 | The Central City National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2598 | B | 2598 | Image | Image | 2/28/1971 | James V. Smith, St. Paul, MN | |
NE | Central City | 8385 | The Central City National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000059A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1975 | Trade with Virgil Mercer, Hastings, NE | |
NE | Central City | 8385 | The Central City National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000049A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Chadron | 3823 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4814 | E | N978286E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Chadron | 3823 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000197A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Chappell | 9790 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1651 | C | A769567B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Chappell | 9790 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2256 | B | X828037B | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Coleridge | 9796 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2750 | C | A563252B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Coleridge | 9796 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6246 | A | A76228K | Image | Image | 8/26/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3426 | C | B654683D | Image | Image | 7/14/1971 | Lyn Knight, Cherokee, Iowa | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5462 | A | K358954H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6057 | A | 6057 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6295 | A | 6295 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000069A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1993 | ANA Early Spring Convention | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000455A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 7/10/1975 | Trade with Ralph Fobair | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000716A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 10/14/1977 | Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000839A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1986 | trade for other Coleridge note with Allens | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000095A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000112A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Coleridge | 10023 | The Coleridge National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000123A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Columbus | 2807 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1887 | D | H887289 | Image | Image | 5/1988 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Columbus | 2807 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 12676 | H | 12676 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Columbus | 2807 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 13844 | H | 13844 | Image | Image | 8/28/1971 | James V. Smith, St. Paul, MN | |
NE | Columbus | 2807 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000864A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 5180 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $5 | 377 | F | A847932 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Columbus | 5180 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $5 | 3566 | F | T252053 | Image | Image | 3/24/1984 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 5180 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3440 | A | 3440 | Image | Image | 10/16/1972 | E.R. Shaperio, New York, NY | |
NE | Columbus | 5180 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4899 | A | 4899 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 5180 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000399A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 5180 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000181A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The German National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5076 | G | R55116 | Image | Image | no entry | Glen Jorde, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1083 | D | R699523 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 12846 | B | 12846 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 14472 | B | 14472 | Image | Image | 12/1/1975 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C001639A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 12/4/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A001762A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F002337A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Columbus | 8328 | The Central National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C003126A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Cozad | 13426 | First National Bank in | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | F000433A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Cozad | 13426 | First National Bank in | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | F001003A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 4/24/1971 | D.J. Levitt | |
NE | Craig | 9591 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3354 | B | E786466E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Craig | 9591 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4645 | A | 4645 | Image | Image | 4/7/1971 | Superior Auctions (Los Angeles auction) | |
NE | Craig | 9591 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000340A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Crawford | 6900 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3030 | B | 3030 | Image | Image | 1/1977 | Trade with Ralph Fobair | |
NE | Creighton | 8797 | The Creighton National Bank | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 1 | C | U415169 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE |
NE | Crete | 2706 | The First National Bank of | 1875 | $5 | 4109 | B | Y181562 | Image | Image | 9/1/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Crete | 2706 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 2036 | B | R764116 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1116 | A | M303744A | Image | Image | 1/16/1970 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2492 | A | R263684D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000274A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1/29/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000998A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1983 | Moore at IMPS Show, Memphis, TN | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000088A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000202A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 3/28/2005 | Don C. Kelly, Oxford, OH | |
NE | Crete | 9731 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000249A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1173 | E | B683425B | Image | Image | 8/1965 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2304 | D | D130626E | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3186 | E | U253948H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000011A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000013A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000028A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Crofton | 8186 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000054A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Curtis | 8812 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 517 | E | D412160A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Curtis | 8812 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 384 | B | D412027A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3242 | D | Z459997 | Image | Image | 11/17/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottbluff, NE | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4590 | B | A924902E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000183A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 7/10/1973 | Dean Peterson | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000267A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000844A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000972A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 7/2/2011 | Chick, Colorado Springs, CO | |
NE | David City | 2902 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000044A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 10/14/1972 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | David City | 3801 | The Central Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5152 | F | Y996954D | Image | Image | 4/6/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | David City | 3801 | The Central Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5640 | D | U803262E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 3801 | The Central Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000266A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 3801 | The Central Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E001045A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | David City | 3801 | The Central Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000176A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | David City | 3934 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 3155 | A | U417855U | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | David City | 3934 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4515 | C | K163027D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 3934 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5781 | B | K633133E | Image | Image | 11/29/1973 | trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | David City | 3934 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6910 | A | Y791602H | Image | Image | 11/27/1970 | Sid Smith Houston ANA | |
NE | David City | 3934 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000414A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | David City | 3934 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000066 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 4345 | E | T150306D | Image | Image | 8/26/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3560 | D | H406532E | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5760 | D | 5760 | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped president signature | 10/2/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1738 | B | T394048B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C000844A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000467A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000074A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 4/28/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Decatur | 8988 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000060 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Dodge | 7333 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 397 | B | E656385A | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Dorchester | 3390 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 43 | B | D250941 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Elgin | 5440 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2972 | A | 2972 | Image | Image | 3/1992 | Jerry Briggs | |
NE | Elgin | 5440 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000034A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Elgin | 5440 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000047A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Simon Jewelry | |
NE | Elgin | 5440 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000076A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Elmwood | 5787 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 1383 | A | U424673U | Image | Image | 11/1990
5/1994 |
Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS
Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Elwood | 7204 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3105 | F | D659917H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Elwood | 7204 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3572 | E | B470544K | Image | Image | 12/1/1973 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Elwood | 7204 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4228 | D | 4228 | Image | Image | female vice president signature | no entry | Ex. Don Kelly; Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS |
NE | Elwood | 7204 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000391A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 6/12/1971 | Commerical Coin Co., Camp Hill, PA | |
NE | Elwood | 7204 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000488 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1991 | Dave Dorfman, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Elwood | 7204 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000062 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 12/1976 | Herman Boraker, Rocky Ford, CO | |
NE | Emerson | 7425 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4707 | B | U60869H | Image | Image | 8/1965 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Emerson | 7425 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5017 | D | Z892359H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Emerson | 7425 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000098A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Emerson | 7425 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000060 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $50 | 453 | D | A681731 | Image | Image | 4/22/1972 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $50 | 1400 | E | B97184 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $100 | 1657 | C | 1657 | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000655A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000457A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/13/1974 | Bill Apking | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001307 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001618 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 9/1968 | Lot 6, Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Fairbury | 2994 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000044 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/1994 | Alex Perakis | |
NE | Fairbury | 10340 | The Farmers and Merchants
National Bank of |
1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4301 | A | R538883D | Image | Image | 4/1968 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA, at coin show | |
NE | Fairbury | 10340 | The Farmers and Merchants
National Bank of |
1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5080 | A | D557012E | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Falls City | 2746 | The First National Bank of | 1875 | $10 | 2255 | B | K434200 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Falls City | 2746 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1631 | B | K836412A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Falls City | 2746 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6546 | D | D358798H | Image | Image | 4/13/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Falls City | 2746 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5181 | B | Z97853D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Falls City | 2746 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000270A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Falls City | 2746 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000300A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 6/20/1982 | Ed's Currency, IPMS, Memphis, TN | |
NE | Fremont | 1974 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 388 | A | R950186R | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 1974 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 3059 | A | T611911A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 1974 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 4915 | A | N38681B | Image | Image | 4/19/1973 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Fremont | 1974 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6639 | C | B257216D | Image | Image | 9/1968 | Robert A. Condo, Drayton Plains, MI | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 8935 | B | M313270 | Image | Image | 1/29/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 21010 | G | R744591E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 16509 | F | 16509 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 18460 | B | 18460 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | B000261A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000385A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 2848 | The Fremont National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000469A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1993 | ANA Early Spring Convention | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 348 | B | Y176243 | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 11599 | B | B958161E | Image | Image | 5/1988 | Glen Jorde, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 14182 | B | 14182 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 17848 | A | 17848 | Image | Image | 6/2/2016 | Colorado Springs Coin Show | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 7800 | A | U616922H | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 12922 | A | 12922 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 16162 | A | 16162 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 18832 | A | 18832 | Image | Image | 5/24/1971 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B001112A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 6/16/1968 | Robert A. Condo, Drayton Plains, MI | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F002168A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000161A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Fremont | 3188 | The Union National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000380A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 4504 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 5741 | A | T100878T | Image | Image | 8/16/1969 | Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Fremont | 4504 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 1094 | E | D879438 | Image | Image | 9/1/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Fremont | 4504 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 9053 | A | Y393675D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 13408 | The Stephens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | F001704A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 13408 | The Stephens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | E003704A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Fremont | 13408 | The Stephens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A001106A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fremont | 13408 | The Stephens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000145A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1396 | D | H541211 | Image | Image | 9/1983 | Allen Mincho | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2714 | B | R51512B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 8348 | B | 8348 | Image | Image | 1/29/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000431A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 7/4/2003 | Jim Hoskovec | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000499A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000063 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/6/1972 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Friend | 2960 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000285 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Fullerton | 2964 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 7220 | D | M481582H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fullerton | 2964 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8421 | D | 8421 | Image | Image | 8/28/1972 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Fullerton | 2964 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 9223 | B | 9223 | Image | Image | female assistant cashier signature | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Fullerton | 2964 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000312A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fullerton | 2964 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000256A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 159 | F | B447669 | Image | Image | 5/1984 | Louis Davison | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1368 | B | U771610E | Image | Image | 8/27/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1879 | B | D620991H | Image | Image | female assistant cashier signature | 9/2002 | Currency Auctions of America |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000641A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000084A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 6/7/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000256A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000093 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000148 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Fullerton | 5384 | The Fullerton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000233 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 5189 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2250 | C | E329862H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 5189 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3160 | A | B532942K | Image | Image | 3/27/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Genoa | 5189 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3967 | C | 3967 | Image | Image | This note was in an PMG holder with two errors on the label: the label incorrectly says "Geneva" rather than "Genoa", and the back of the label incorrectly lists the treasury signatures as Parker - Burke instead of Teebee โ Burke. | 5/4/2012 | S & S, Denver, CO |
NE | Genoa | 5189 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2305 | A | E329917H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Genoa | 5189 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000993A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 5189 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000047 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 6805 | The Genoa National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1872 | F | B374440B | Image | Image | 6/1990 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 6805 | The Genoa National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000331A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 6805 | The Genoa National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000024A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 6805 | The Genoa National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000590 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 6805 | The Genoa National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000210 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Genoa | 6805 | The Genoa National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000389 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Gering | 9694 | The Gering National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4068 | A | M816110H | Image | Image | 5/1975 | Trade with Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Gering | 9694 | The Gering National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000004A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/28/1972 | Mrs. Charles Plouczek, Loup City, NE | |
NE | Gering | 9694 | The Gering National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000531 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | Last 1929T2 $10 note sent to the bank | 8/1991 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE |
NE | Gering | 9694 | The Gering National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000088 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/29/2013 | Don Sullivan, S & S | |
NE | Gordon | 8521 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 7294 | B | 7294 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Gordon | 8521 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 7586 | B | 7586 | Image | Image | 11/1966 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Gordon | 8521 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000200A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 3/25/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Gordon | 8521 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000060A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Gothenburg | 4890 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 529 | C | R206967 | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Gothenburg | 6282 | The Gothenburg National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1463 | D | T856395 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 5369 | G | V782737 | Image | Image | 2/28/1973 | Jake Sureck, Oklahoma City, OK | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 621 | A | A297873 | Image | Image | 1/26/2006 | Micky Shipley, Lake Region Coin & Currency, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 7744 | E | E722440E | Image | Image | 11/09/2007 | Royalty, Inc., eBay | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | A002222A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/1999 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C002243A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | D002250A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000964A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 9/19/68 | Robert A. Condo, Drayton Plains, MI | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000128A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A000078 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | souvenir signatures of both officers above printed signatures | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000417 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/18/2007 | Micky Shipley, Lake Region Coin & Currency, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001955 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | replacement note | 10/12/2006 | Peter Huntoon Collection, Lyn Knight Auction, Overland Park, KS |
NE | Grand Island | 2779 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000194 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 7/10/1975 | trade with Ralph Fobair | |
NE | Grand Island | 3101 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1 | G | A622801 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 5/1994 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS |
NE | Grand island | 4357 | The Security National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3101 | D | N555029 | Image | Image | 1/29/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Grand Island | 9395 | The Grand Island National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 3671 | A | R681986B | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped officer signatures | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE |
NE | Grand Island | 9395 | The Grand Island National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 13484 | A | 13484 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Grand Island | 9395 | The Grand Island National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 14635 | A | 14635 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Grand Island | 9395 | The Grand Island National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000001A | F | N/A | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 8/25/1970 | Dave Dorfman, Sioux City, IA |
NE | Greenwood | 3403 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 628 | E | R956577 | Image | Image | 6/2/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3203 | B | 3203 | Image | Image | 6/20/1981 | Dale Ennis, at Memphis IPMS | |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3533 | B | 3533 | Image | Image | female assistant cashier signature | 5/2001 | Currency Auctions of America |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000006A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000006A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1/22/1972 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000006A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1/22/1972 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000010A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1/22/1972 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000001A | B | N/A | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 6/1987 | Duane White |
NE | Gresham | 8172 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000011A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hampton | 8285 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4018 | E | 4018 | Image | Image | 2/1982 | Ex. Al Armstrong; Harry Jones | |
NE | Hampton | 8285 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | E000119A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 9/1982 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Hampton | 8285 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000193A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hampton | 8285 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000311A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hampton | 8285 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000377A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 9/23/1969 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Harrison | 8888 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 271 | D | M?10742 | Image | Image | missing piece of note makes full treasury serial unreadable | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE |
NE | Harrison | 12552 | The Sioux National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 790 | B | 790 | Image | Image | 9/1991 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Harrison | 12552 | The Sioux National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000045A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Harrison | 12552 | The Sioux National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000052A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 7/4/1972 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Harrison | 12552 | The Sioux National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000338 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/1986 | Ossie's Coin Shop, Allentown, PA | |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1 | A | K457377 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 with top selvage | 5/1993 | Mike Robeling |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1307 | A | Z660465 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6226 | B | B379788K | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6774 | B | 6774 | Image | Image | 4/28/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000147A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000074A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 4/19/1973 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Hartington | 4528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000080A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 6/7/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Hartington | 5400 | The Hartington National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 473 | A | D949802D | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hartington | 5400 | The Hartington National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 990 | B | D703352H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 2182 | B | D440174D | Image | Image | Teller stamp on back from National Bank of Commerce of Lincoln, NE (Ch. 7239) | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 10079 | B | M729537 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $10 | 12859 | E | T833727 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $20 | 12946 | B | T833814 | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5330 | A | M833012H | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped officer signatures | 2/16/1978 | trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 11144 | A | 11144 | Image | Image | 4/1981 | Tim Marcy | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000148A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 2/23/1971 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A001187A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000054A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 2528 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000213A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3086 | The Exchange National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 100 | C | A604591 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3086 | The Exchange National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 1723 | A | V912836 | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3086 | The Exchange National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 10359 | E | H291601E | Image | Image | 6/1975 | Fred (Joe) Bower, Hastings, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The German National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 2873 | B | A784948A | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The German National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 62 | B | T993631 | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The German National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 886 | G | Y580886 | Image | Image | 3/2001 | Don Kelly, Oxfold, OH at CMPX Show | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6341 | C | E553383H | Image | Image | 5/23/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 7877 | C | V789269H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000313A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000609A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000865A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/24/1971 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D001299A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 10/13/1970 | Tom Mason, Cheyenne, WY | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000105A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000217A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hastings | 3732 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000587A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 13515 | The Hastings National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000756A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 2/23/1971 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Hastings | 13515 | The Hastings National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000251A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hastings | 13515 | The Hastings National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000342A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Havelock | 9772 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000067A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/29/1971 | Jim McKee, The Centennial, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Hay Springs | 8760 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1303 | E | Y695845E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hay Springs | 8760 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1645 | D | 1645 | Image | Image | 1978 | Curtis Iversen (Sioux City, IA) at ANA convention | |
NE | Hay Springs | 8760 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000138A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1975 | Virgil Mercer, Hastings, NE | |
NE | Hayes Center | 8031 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 518 | D | V455470 | Image | Image | Teller stamp on back from National Bank of Commerce of Lincoln, NE (Ch. 7239) | 8/28/1992 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA |
NE | Hayes Center | 8031 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3493 | F | V413045H | Image | Image | 4/1981 | Traded to Al Armstrong for #988 Ch. 8533 1902RS$20 FNB Polk, Bank serial #76-A, | |
NE | Hayes Center | 8031 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000050A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 12/27/1971 | Trade with Dale Milby, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hebron | 2756 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 983 | B | Y385515 | Image | Image | 8/1/1981 | trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Hemingford | 10242 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 168 | A | M511531A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hemingford | 10242 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 690 | A | M268602E | Image | Image | 6/1988 | Dave Koble | |
NE | Holdrege | 3208 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3787 | B | Y750636B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Holdrege | 3208 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000791A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 6/7/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Holdrege | 4345 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 267 | C | U151250U | Image | Image | 11/1995 | St. Louis | |
NE | Holdrege | 4345 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1392 | B | Y698679 | Image | Image | Teller stamp on back from National Bank of Commerce of Lincoln, NE (Ch. 7239) | 4/14/1973 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $10 | 1968 | E | U264676 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 389 | D | T117375H | Image | Image | 6/26/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 3319 | C | 3319 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 662 | A | N681614E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | B001134A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C001156A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Hooper | 5297 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A003167 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Humboldt | 3238 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3326 | C | T170471E | Image | Image | 3/1989 | Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA? | |
NE | Humboldt | 7065 | The National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1650 | F | K590636B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Humphrey | 5337 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 399 | B | Z269481E | Image | Image | 3/2000 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Imperial | 9762 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4260 | B | 4260 | Image | Image | 7/19/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Imperial | 9762 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000085A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 11/16/1972 | Lyn Knight, Cherokee, Iowa | |
NE | Imperial | 9762 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000154A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 6/15/1974 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Indianola | 3483 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1 | C | D861964E | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 8/1991 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE |
NE | Johnson | 8161 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1923 | B | Y763942B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Johnson | 8161 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000444A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 7/23/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Johnson | 8161 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000021A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 8/26/1975 | ANA convention | |
NE | Kearney | 2806 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 5107 | B | H362926 | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Kearney | 3526 | The Buffalo County National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1282 | A | K606703 | Image | Image | 9/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Kearney | 3958 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 4975 | B | H483175H | Image | Image | Ink notation on front top margin | 6/1987 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE |
NE | Kearney | 3958 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 1538 | B | R353779R | Image | Image | 8/26/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Kearney | 3958 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 7578 | B | H970864H | Image | Image | 11/1968 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Kearney | 6600 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 1931 | A | K747169 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Kearney | 6600 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6347 | F | M804229H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kearney | 6600 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6215 | B | M804097H | Image | Image | 5/1984 | Trade with Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | B002083A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000252A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 10/27/1972 | Denver show | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A003072 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/1965 | Hobby Sales, St. Paul, MN | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A005896 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A005902 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A005913 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A005938 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A005925 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000004 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A002696 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A002823 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 uncut sheet | A002857-A002862 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000364 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1/9/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Kimball | 13420 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 uncut sheet | A000895-A000900 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Laurel | 9793 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2534 | C | B245288B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Laurel | 9979 | The Laurel National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1824 | B | X833389A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Laurel | 9979 | The Laurel National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4785 | A | U800107E | Image | Image | 8/12/1970 | Mid Continent | |
NE | Laurel | 9979 | The Laurel National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6152 | B | 6152 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lawrence | 8851 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 371 | E | Z604509 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Leigh | 9831 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 5050 | B | T204086D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Leigh | 9831 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3677 | B | X424729H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Leigh | 9831 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000083A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Leigh | 9831 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000222A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Lexington | 4161 | The Dawson County National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 2259 | C | K455384K | Image | Image | 8/21/1971 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Lexington | 4161 | The Dawson County National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1842 | A | M376425A | Image | Image | 11/1966 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Liberty | 4080 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 550 | C | K590742 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | Original | $2 | 231 | A | C375263 | Image | Image | 1996 | Lyn Knight auction, ANA | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1875 | $5 | 2043 | A | B873683 | Image | Image | 9/1968 | Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 2200 | A | R724046 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 21080 | B | N124934B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D001234A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 11/1991 | Glen Jorde, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F003786A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 6/16/1968 | Robert A. Condo, Drayton Plains, MI | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D005527A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E008551A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A003137 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 1798 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A008086 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/24/1974 | trade with Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 4435 | The Columbia National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 4021 | A | D25087D | Image | Image | 6/12/1971 | Commerical Coin Co., Camp Hill, PA | |
NE | Lincoln | 5213 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 6753 | B | U580521U | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 5213 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 12123 | C | K373745H | Image | Image | 1/5/1970 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Lincoln | 5213 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 13640 | C | U152682H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 5213 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 16184 | C | 16184 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 26902 | E | N722044H | Image | Image | 1/3/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 35281 | D | 35281 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 23539 | B | U894661E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 34390 | B | 34390 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F005416A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000831A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000727A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000955A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D001036A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 4/6/1970 | Mrs. Treadwell, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 7239 | National Bank of Commerce of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C0001365A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 8885 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 4901 | B | A911147B | Image | Image | 1/28/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Lincoln | 8885 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6063 | B | V981097B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 8885 | The Central National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 10954 | B | K443876E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 13017 | City National Bank in | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 443 | B | 443 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 13017 | City National Bank in | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 447 | B | 447 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 13333 | The Continental National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000065A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 13333 | The Continental National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000710A | A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 13333 | The Continental National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | B000036A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 6/13/1985 | trade with Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE for Amherst or Emerson note | |
NE | Lincoln | 13333 | The Continental National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A003448 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Lincoln | 13333 | The Continental National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000013 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Lincoln | 13333 | The Continental National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A002635 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Litchfield | 8093 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1491 | B | 1491 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Litchfield | 8093 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000033A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Loomis | 5419 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 727 | B | V22068V | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Loomis | 5419 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 843 | F | M503601 | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Loomis | 5419 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000029A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1975 | James O'Donnell | |
NE | Loup City | 7277 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000047A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 4/28/1972 | Mrs. Charles Plouczek, Loup City, NE | |
NE | Loup City | 13620 | First National Bank in | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000140 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/2/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Loup City | 13620 | First National Bank in | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000053 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Simon Jewelry | |
NE | Lyons | 6221 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1515 | A | V970747H | Image | Image | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Lyons | 6221 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000322A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 12/4/1970 | Dick Rudolph | |
NE | Lyons | 6221 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000059 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Lyons | 6221 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000273 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2953 | D | B228997B | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6812 | B | X229064H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 8462 | B | 8462 | Image | Image | 11/1966 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000141A | A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000655A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000656A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1/1987 | B. Ballard | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000656A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Madison | 3773 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000055A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Madison | 8317 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3962 | F | 3962 | Image | Image | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Madison | 8317 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000048A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/16/1978 | Colorado Coin Galllery, Rustic Hills, Colorado Springs, CO | |
NE | Madison | 8317 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A000499 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1993 | ANA Early Spring Convention | |
NE | Madison | 8317 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000362 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Madison | 10021 | The Madison National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1316 | A | A528698H | Image | Image | 7/1988 | source left blank in purchase ledger | |
NE | Marquette | 8400 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 829 | G | T495284 | Image | Image | Listed in purchase ledger as bank serial 828-G. Should be 829-G. | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE |
NE | Marquette | 8400 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 829 | H | T495284 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Marquette | 8400 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000246A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | McCook | 3379 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 7342 | D | B100054K | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped officers signatures | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA |
NE | McCook | 3379 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000142A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | McCook | 3379 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000225A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | McCook | 3379 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000206 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 7/11/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | McCook | 3379 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001452 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | Black overprint very light | 4/13/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO |
NE | McCook | 3379 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001726 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | McCook | 8823 | The McCook National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 10076 | E | 10076 | Image | Image | 9/1968 | Lot 6, Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | McCook | 8823 | The McCook National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | E001367A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | McCook | 8823 | The McCook National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C000001A | C | N/A | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE |
NE | McCook | 8823 | The McCook National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 uncut sheet | A000001A-F000001A | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/16/1969 | ex. Amon Carter Jr.; Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | McCook | 8823 | The McCook National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000125 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | McCook | 9436 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 3961 | A | A724243B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Minatare | 13316 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A001878 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | female cashier signature | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Minatare | 13316 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001167 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | female cashier signature | 2/2001 | Stack's (Kagin) |
NE | Minatare | 13316 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000087 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | female cashier signature | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Minden | 3057 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $100 | 176 | B | A201878 | Image | Image | 12/16/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Minden | 3057 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | E000040A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 9/2002 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Minden | 9400 | The Minden Exchange National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2396 | A | 2396 | Image | Image | 12/29/1972 | Trade with Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Minden | 9400 | The Minden Exchange National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000141A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 11/1983 | Nelson | |
NE | Minden | 9400 | The Minden Exchange National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000057A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Minden | 9400 | The Minden Exchange National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000284 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Minden | 9400 | The Minden Exchange National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A002513 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Naper | 9665 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1637 | C | 1637 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Naper | 9665 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | D000081A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1/3/1995 | Currency Auctions of America via Lyn Knight | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1417 | The Otoe County National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 300 | C | H469189 | Image | Image | 06/1988 | Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1417 | The Otoe County National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6874 | D | 6874 | Image | Image | 1/17/1969 | Daru Coin & Stamp Co., Chicago, IL | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1417 | The Otoe County National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3367 | B | B533914D | Image | Image | 05/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1417 | The Otoe County National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000235A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1417 | The Otoe County National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000766 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/24/1971 | David J. Levitt, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | Original | $1 | 1 | B | C642504 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 7/1997 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | Original | $1 | 3364 | B | C762335 | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | Original | $5 | 4539 | B | H653188 | Image | Image | 7/1983 | Amon Carter Estate, Ft. Worth, TX | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1875 | $1 | 251 | A | B380055 | Image | Image | 6/18/1971 | William P. Donlon, Utica, NY | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 2511 | A | U27876 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 10769 | C | H709411H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 11666 | C | 11666 | Image | Image | 2/14/1970 | Marshall Field's, Chicago, IL | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000584A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000824A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000824A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000824A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000824A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000824A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000824A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 7/1997 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000825A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 11/15/1976 | Hickman & Oakes, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Nebraska City | 1855 | The Nebraska City National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000242 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/25/1975 | trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Nebraska City | 2536 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $50 | 120 | A | A944854 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Nebraska City | 2536 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $100 | 274 | A | B91148 | Image | Image | 11/29/1973 | trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Nebraska City | 2536 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | B000069A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1/30/1970 | Mrs. John H. Aden, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Nebraska City | 2536 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | A000143A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Neligh | 5690 | The Neligh National Bank | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 2136 | B | M772404 | Image | Image | 9/1985 | Trade with Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Neligh | 5690 | The Neligh National Bank | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 2289 | F | N488837 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Neligh | 13568 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000066A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Ennis, Coalgate, Oklahoma | |
NE | Neligh | 13568 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000107A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Neligh | 13568 | The National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000261 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1984 | Hickman and Oakes, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Nelson | 3495 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 31 | A | N691719 | Image | Image | 12/14/1971 | Jake Sureck, Oklahoma City, OK | |
NE | Newman Grove | 5282 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $5 | 2181 | E | T575243 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Newman Grove | 5282 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 1738 | D | 1738 | Image | Image | 12/16/1971 | Hickman & Waters, Auction ( Art Kagin sale), Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Newman Grove | 5282 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C000755A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 8/3/1971 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Newman Grove | 5282 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000290A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Newman Grove | 5282 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000267 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Norfolk | 3347 | The Norfolk National Bank | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 1147 | C | X509289 | Image | Image | 2/12/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Norfolk | 3347 | The Norfolk National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 13470 | F | H623042H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Norfolk | 3347 | The Norfolk National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 14277 | D | X677789H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Norfolk | 3347 | The Norfolk National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000278A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Norfolk | 3347 | The Norfolk National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000026A | E | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Norfolk | 3347 | The Norfolk National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000371A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 7/7/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Norfolk | 3741 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 650 | A | B646130B | Image | Image | 6/1988 | Curtis Iverson, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Norfolk | 3741 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8713 | E | 8713 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Norfolk | 3741 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 7209 | B | U802371H | Image | Image | 8/28/1971 | James V. Smith, St. Paul, MN | |
NE | North Auburn | 3343 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3135 | D | M890385 | Image | Image | 9/21/1999 | Trade with Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE, | |
NE | North Bend | 3059 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $100 | 75 | A | A52938 | Image | Image | 8/26/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | North Bend | 3059 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $50 | 408 | E | A824400 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | North Bend | 3059 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $100 | 80 | C | A118768 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | North Bend | 3059 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000598A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 2/1982 | Harry Jones | |
NE | North Bend | 3059 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000857A | A | N/A | Image | Image | - | listed but no purchase information provided | |
NE | North Platte | 3496 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 19821 | G | 19821 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | North Platte | 3496 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A001026A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | North Platte | 3496 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000205A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | North Platte | 3496 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000239A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | North Platte | 3496 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000431A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | North Platte | 3496 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000670A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/18/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Oakdale | 13339 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 uncut sheet | A000001A-F000001A | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 11/18/1971 | Ex. Julian Marks; Abe Kosoff | |
NE | Oakdale | 13339 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000111A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Oakland | 4610 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1349 | C | W476842 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Oakland | 4610 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $50 | 40 | B | A109521 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Oakland | 4610 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 2283 | C | Y724059B | Image | Image | 8/17/1971 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Oakland | 4610 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 4143 | B | Y832739D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Oakland | 4610 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | A004684A | A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Oakland | 10022 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8682 | A | 8682 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Oakland | 10022 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000192A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Oakland | 10022 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000195A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Oakland | 10022 | The Farmers & Merchants National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000207 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/16/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Omaha | 209 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $5 | 10743 | C | R10023 | Image | Image | 05/1984 | Ken Hallenbeck, Colorado Springs, Co | |
NE | Omaha | 209 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 5743 | A | V279660 | Image | Image | not listed | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | Original | $20 | 1576 | B | X65485 | Image | Image | Note incorrectly listed as $10 in Walton purchase book | 08/1983 | Amon Carter Estate, Ft. Worth, TX |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 9975 | A | D593254D | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 10821 | A | B742657B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $50 | 16202 | E | 16202 | Image | Image | 3/18/1972 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL), California Auction | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $100 | 15448 | C | 15448 | Image | Image | 11/29/1973 | trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $50 | 17128 | C | 17128 | Image | Image | 8/11/1969 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | C001876A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | B002101A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 2/16/1978 | Trade with Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $100 | D000635A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/5/1981 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $100 | B000693A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 05/1975 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Omaha | 1633 | The Omaha National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $100 | F000806A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 05/1975 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1875 | $10 | 12408 | C | K640125 | Image | Image | 3/1970 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1875 | $20 | 15050 | A | K945908 | Image | Image | 3/1984 | trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 14711 | F | T933881B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 16043 | F | X904104B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 523 | C | T87305E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $20 | 541 | A | T87323E | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Omaha | 2665 | The Nebraska National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $20 | 1045 | A | T123067E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2775 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 7817 | C | Y189490 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2775 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 1174 | A | A67277 | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped officers signatures | 1/25/1970 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA |
NE | Omaha | 2775 | The Merchants National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 12683 | B | N962737A | Image | Image | 8/1965 | Dick Rudolph, Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 3448 | A | E725681 | Image | Image | 7/10/1975 | Trade with Ralph Fobair | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 9881 | A | R620307 | Image | Image | 6/1988 | Intenational Paper Money Show, Memphis, TN | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 2759 | A | H422678 | Image | Image | 4/5/2008 | Lyn Knight Auction, CMPX Show, Chicago, IL | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 30034 | D | Z311878A | Image | Image | 8/26/1971 | Bill Bailey to Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 23595 | E | T885307A | Image | Image | Red rubber stamped officers signatures | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000167A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/19/1978 | CWNA Show, Denver, CO | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000335A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 10/2017 | Kearney Coin Center, Kearney, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000435A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A003806A | A | N/A | Image | Image | Black overprint positioned high | 10/27/1972 | Lyn Knight, Denver Show, Denver, CO |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E005500A | E | N/A | Image | Image | badly miscut | 7/1997 | Don Mark, Adel, IA |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C005603A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D010371A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000142A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000463A | B | N/A | Image | Image | Souvenir signature of cashier | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F001289A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D001455A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C002691A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C004174A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Omaha | 2978 | The United States National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A004319A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Omaha | 3163 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 7091 | C | X911616 | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Traded with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Omaha | 3516 | The Union National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 3306 | A | V561969 | Image | Image | 2/1988 | Allens, Westerville, OH | |
NE | Omaha | 4087 | The American National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3 | B | H677855 | Image | Image | 12/1984 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Omaha | 9466 | City National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 14721 | A | V469968A | Image | Image | 5/16/1999 | Currency Auctions of America, Lot #2408 | |
NE | Omaha | 9730 | Corn Exchange National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2736 | A | V434388 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | O'Neill | 3424 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1682 | A | H670682 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | O'Neill | 3424 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000171A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 3/22/1972 | Dale Ennis, Coalgate, Oklahoma | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3562 | A | 3562 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 3563 | A | 3563 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000653A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D001675A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000321A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000444A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | O'Neill | 5770 | The O'Neill National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000499A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Ord | 3339 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3087 | E | V618319D | Image | Image | 12/14/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Ord | 3339 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8796 | E | A303358K | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Ord | 3339 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000093A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 4/2/1971 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Ord | 3339 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000516A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Osceola | 6493 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 1581 | H | Y406693A | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Osceola | 6493 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 293 | B | E731568 | Image | Image | 11/1991 | Glen Jorde, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Osceola | 6493 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1465 | D | Z341218B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Osceola | 6493 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000280A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Osceola | 6493 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000085A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 10/13/1970 | Tom Mason, Cheyenne, WY | |
NE | Overton | 13446 | The Overton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $5 uncut sheet | A000001-A000006 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 01/1978 | Trade with John L. Carter, Overton, NE (former cashier) | |
NE | Overton | 13446 | The Overton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A003215 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 11/18/1974 | John L. Carter, Overton, NE (former cashier) | |
NE | Overton | 13446 | The Overton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 uncut sheet | A000001-A000006 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 01/1978 | Trade with John L. Carter, Overton, NE (former cashier) | |
NE | Overton | 13446 | The Overton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000859 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Overton | 13446 | The Overton National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $20 uncut sheet | A000001-A000006 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 01/1978 | Trade with John L. Carter, Overton, NE (former cashier) | |
NE | Pawnee City | 4078 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 2374 | C | E568234E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Pawnee City | 4078 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 524 | A | K472095 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Pawnee City | 4078 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1529 | A | Y468285 | Image | Image | 8/28/1972 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Pawnee City | 6541 | The National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 302 | E | N731483 | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Pender | 4791 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $100 | 776 | A | B125720 | Image | Image | 11/29/1973 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Pender | 4791 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | A000017A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 8/11/1969 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Pender | 4791 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | E000118A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 10/16/1972 | Trade with John Hickman, Des Moines, Iowa | |
NE | Pierce | 4280 | The First National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 506 | A | K666210 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Pilger | 5937 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 988 | B | X911760E | Image | Image | 8/28/1971 | James V. Smith, St. Paul, MN | |
NE | Pilger | 5937 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1119 | A | X911891E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Pilger | 5941 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $5 | 1284 | E | H995146 | Image | Image | 6/29/1972 | Art Kagin (John Hickman) | |
NE | Pilger | 5941 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1882 Value Back | $20 | 2753 | B | U114551 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Pilger | 5941 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 837 | A | R140519E | Image | Image | 11/29/1973 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Pilger | 13453 | The Farmers National Bank in | 1929 Type 1 | $5 uncut sheet | A000002A-F000002A | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1994 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Pilger | 13453 | The Farmers National Bank in | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C000821A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Pilger | 13453 | The Farmers National Bank in | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | B002701A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Plainview | 9504 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2675 | B | A959961B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Plainview | 9504 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 5326 | C | Z736598E | Image | Image | 1/16/1972 | Dan Brown | |
NE | Plainview | 9504 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5624 | A | M66496H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger. Double check | |
NE | Plattsmouth | 1914 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 433 | B | D520873 | Image | Image | 9/1984 | I. Nelson Clark, Los Alamitos, CA | |
NE | Plattsmouth | 1914 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2413 | C | V322593B | Image | Image | 7/9/1977 | Lyn Knight | |
NE | Plattsmouth | 1914 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5275 | A | E481847H | Image | Image | female assistant cashier signature | 6/1990 | Briggs, Memphis |
NE | Polk | 8533 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 76 | A | T552652 | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3147 | D | B678304D | Image | Image | 4/6/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6306 | F | 6306 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6622 | F | 6622 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000705A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000009A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/1994 | Glen Jorde, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000020A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7421 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000020 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/6/2000 | eBay auction | |
NE | Randolph | 7477 | The Security National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 6911 | F | 6911 | Image | Image | 8/26/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Randolph | 7477 | The Security National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1203 | E | H333149D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7477 | The Security National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3252 | D | U779364H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Randolph | 7477 | The Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | E000407A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 3/26/1972 | Commerical Coin Co., Camp Hill, PA | |
NE | Randolph | 7477 | The Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000262A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Joe Flynn, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Randolph | 7477 | The Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000791A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 10/1996 | Missy Munter | |
NE | Rushville | 9191 | The Stockmens National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1260 | A | X274702D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Rushville | 9191 | The Stockmens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000015A | A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Rushville | 9191 | The Stockmens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000297A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Saint Edward | 5793 | The Smith National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 409 | B | K216067 | Image | Image | 5/6/1972 | Dave Dorfman, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Saint Edward | 5793 | The Smith National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000052A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 3/2/1969 | Ed Taylor at Elmhurst Coin Show | |
NE | Saint Edward | 5793 | The Smith National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000198A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Saint Paul | 3129 | The Saint Paul National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 2607 | B | V951850 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Saint Paul | 3129 | The Saint Paul National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $5 Uncut Sheet | 2626 | A-B-C-D | V951869E | Image | Image | 5/24/1971 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Sargent | 7384 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $100 | 73 | B | A205055 | Image | Image | 9/25/1972 | Peter Huntoon, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Schuyler | 2778 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1752 | B | K121453 | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Schuyler | 2778 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 911 | A | E747473 | Image | Image | 7/19/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Schuyler | 3152 | The Schuyler National Bank | 1902 Red Seal | $5 | 421 | C | E776276 | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE, | |
NE | Scottsbluff | 6240 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 793 | C | V426274E | Image | Image | 6/15/1977 | Trade with Ralph Fobair | |
NE | Scottsbluff | 6240 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3370 | D | K469932E | Image | Image | 11/1968 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Scottsbluff | 9581 | The Scottsbluff National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2215 | B | N95341B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Scottsbluff | 9581 | The Scottsbluff National Bank | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1931 | A | N95057B | Image | Image | 2015(?) | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Scottsbluff | 9581 | The Scottsbluff National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000394A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 8/27/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Scottsbluff | 9581 | The Scottsbluff National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B001229A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Scribner | 6901 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000029A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 9/17/1975 | Trade with Dean Peterson | |
NE | Seward | 2771 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $5 | 301 | C | M386249 | Image | Image | 6/16/1971 | Dave Dorfman, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Seward | 2771 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 5394 | G | X404840D | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Seward | 2771 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4933 | B | 4933 | Image | Image | 4/14/1973 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Seward | 2771 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | D000105A | D | N/A | Image | Image | Pocket piece of cashier John L. Carter | 11/18/1974 | John L. Carter, Overton, NE (former cashier) |
NE | Seward | 3060 | The Jones National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6680 | D | V968902H | Image | Image | 9/1965 | Superior, LA | |
NE | Seward | 3060 | The Jones National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 7041 | B | B175463K | Image | Image | 11/8/1972 | Lyn Knight, P&I | |
NE | Seward | 3060 | The Jones National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000204A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Seward | 3060 | The Jones National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000300A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Seward | 3060 | The Jones National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000495A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Seward | 3060 | The Jones National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B001139A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 4/28/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Shelby | 7949 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1049 | B | U183755A | Image | Image | 6/1981 | Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Shelby | 7949 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2831 | D | M383018E | Image | Image | 10/10/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Shelby | 7949 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000381A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 9/7/1972 | Jim McKee, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Shelby | 7949 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000064A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 9/7/1972 | Jim McKee, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Shelton | 4042 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 560 | A | H565312 | Image | Image | 8/1989 | trade for NE territorial papers with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Sidney | 6201 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 9 | A | A81552 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Sidney | 6201 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 223 | B | E708118 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Sidney | 13425 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 uncut sheet | A000001A-F000001A | A-B-C-D-E-F | N/A | Image | Image | 1994 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Sidney | 13425 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 uncut sheet | A000001A-F000001A | A-B-C-D-E-F | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1989 | Trade with Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Sidney | 13425 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000096A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 11/11/1970 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Sidney | 13425 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 uncut sheet | A000001A-F000001A | A-B-C-D-E-F | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1989 | Trade with Sam Whitworth, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | Sidney | 13425 | The American National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000035 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | South Auburn | 3628 | The Carson National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 6297 | C | T543695T | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 3611 | The South Omaha National Bank | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 1541 | A | U703387 | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 4589 | The Packers National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 5571 | D | R333294R | Image | Image | 7/26/1976 | Leonard Owen, Omaha, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 4589 | The Packers National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 1608 | B | E741166 | Image | Image | 5/2/1969 | Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | South Omaha | 4589 | The Packers National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 7662 | A | K176098B | Image | Image | 6/5/2009 | Ken Hallenbeck, Colorado Springs, Co | |
NE | South Omaha | 4589 | The Packers National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 16543 | B | D632105H | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 4632 | The Union Stock Yards National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 2190 | D | U32083U | Image | Image | 2/1987 | Leonra Donnelly | |
NE | South Omaha | 4632 | The Union Stock Yards National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 5954 | C | R944641R | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 16833 | E | Y287775D | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 18262 | F | N885934E | Image | Image | 5/23/1971 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 8541 | B | Y956781A | Image | Image | 9/20/2012 | Ken Hallenbeck, Colorado Springs, Co | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C001731A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 8/26/1975 | ANA convention | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000547A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1988 | Memphis IPMS | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000784A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A005667 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A001828 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A003494 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/28/1970 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | South Omaha | 8949 | The Live Stock National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A004070 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 21128 | D | Y999710A | Image | Image | 9/1967 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 10101 | F | D966877A | Image | Image | Last national recorded in Walton purchase ledger | 10/2017 | John Jackson, J&J Coins, Sioux City, IA |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 515 | A | Z260275 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 23406 | E | H459448E | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | D003626A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E002958A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 7/8/1970 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000023A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 9/20/1970 | Ell Kay Larson | |
NE | South Omaha | 9908 | Stock Yards National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A004984 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Spencer | 7325 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 5117 | B | X614452A | Image | Image | 12/27/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | St. Edward | 5346 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 935 | E | M897503 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | St. Paul | 3126 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1 | B | A695619 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE |
NE | St. Paul | 3891 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 214 | A | X788508 | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Traded for obsolete uncut sheet to Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 3364 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2205 | F | K102400A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 3364 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4650 | B | H285386D | Image | Image | 8/24/1971 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Stanton | 3364 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000682A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 9/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Stanton | 3364 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000240A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 9192 | E | 9192 | Image | Image | 1/22/1972 | Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2834 | E | X939345B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | D000680A | D | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000638A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 2/16/1971 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000639A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000639A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Stanton | 7836 | The Stanton National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000121A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Stromsburg | 8286 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3108 | E | V370628B | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Stromsburg | 8286 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 7171 | E | 7171 | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | Stromsburg | 8286 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 5594 | B | H51896H | Image | Image | 11/21/1969 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Stromsburg | 8286 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000284A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 6/7/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Stromsburg | 8286 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000187A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Stromsburg | 8286 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000237A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Stuart | 6947 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 85 | A | B284642 | Image | Image | 9/1968 | Lot 6, Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Stuart | 6947 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000017A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Stuart | 6947 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000054A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 3/12/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | Superior | 5397 | The Superior National Bank | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 348 | F | D471048 | Image | Image | 1977 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Superior | 14083 | Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $5 | A002015 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Superior | 14083 | Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001538 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Superior | 14083 | Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000012 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Superior | 14083 | Security National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000932 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Sutton | 3240 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 148 | B | M163899 | Image | Image | 8/30/1981 | Trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Sutton | 3653 | The Sutton National Bank | 1902 Red Seal | $5 | 81 | B | K849363 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Syracuse | 3083 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 5967 | E | K799888E | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Syracuse | 3083 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4506 | F | M248998H | Image | Image | 2/4/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Syracuse | 3083 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6193 | D | 6193 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Syracuse | 3083 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4827 | B | U119579H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Syracuse | 3083 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000350A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Syracuse | 3083 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000566A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Tecumseh | 4276 | The Tecumseh National Bank | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 558 | E | A127429 | Image | Image | 12/1981 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Tecumseh | 6166 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 1772 | B | E566650A | Image | Image | 5/1981 | Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 7285 | E | U723838U | Image | Image | 11/17/1981 | Trade with Al Armstorng, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $50 | 798 | A | B611241 | Image | Image | 9/27/1971 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $100 | 895 | A | B611338 | Image | Image | 6/20/1971 | Morris Perlmutter, Newton Center, MA | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 15389 | A | 15389 | Image | Image | 11/29/1973 | Trade with Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 16483 | C | 16483 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 13665 | A | Y102087H | Image | Image | 5/2/1969 | Herb Jenner | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 16367 | A | 16367 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10-$10-$10-$20 Uncut sheet | 17547 | A-B-C-A | 17547 | Image | Image | 1994-19951107 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000951A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B001986A | B | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000324 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/15/1971 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Tekamah | 4324 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A002221 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Tilden | 9217 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2613 | A | 2613 | Image | Image | 11/1966 | Rare Coin Company of America (Chicago, IL) | |
NE | Tilden | 9217 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | A000001A | A | N/A | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 3/2/1971 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ |
NE | Tilden | 10011 | The Tilden National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 1658 | B | U132849B | Image | Image | 11/19/1971 | Hobby Sales HANA | |
NE | Tilden | 10011 | The Tilden National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2898 | A | 2898 | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Trade with Curtis Iversen, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Tilden | 10011 | The Tilden National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000195A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Tilden | 10011 | The Tilden National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000036 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Trenton | 8218 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 846 | D | V259618 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | University Place | 7737 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4836 | D | Y98088E | Image | Image | 5/1978 | Trade with Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Utica | 8811 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4552 | E | A983424K | Image | Image | 8/27/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Utica | 8811 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 4607 | B | A983479K | Image | Image | 8/1965 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Utica | 8811 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000069A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Utica | 8811 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000144A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Utica | 8811 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000221A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Carroll & Francis | |
NE | Utica | 8811 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000181 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Valentine | 6378 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $5 | 1 | A | A108339 | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 8/1991 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE |
NE | Valentine | 6378 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 4572 | F | 4572 | Image | Image | 12/1/1973 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Valentine | 6378 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2347 | F | K894209E | Image | Image | 6/1987 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Valentine | 6378 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000318A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Valentine | 6378 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000533A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 11/27/1970 | Ted Alvey | |
NE | Valentine | 6378 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | A000570A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 7/4/2003 | Jim Hoskovec | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 5059 | A | M656284 | Image | Image | 11/17/1981 | trade with Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 2448 | F | E664116A | Image | Image | 1/17/1969 | Daru Coin & Stamp Co., Chicago, IL | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 11815 | E | 11815 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 12963 | D | 12963 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C001119A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E001567A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 10/14/1977 | Trade with Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000069A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | listed but no purchase information provided | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000088A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000097A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000101A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 8/12/1970 | Dave Dorfman, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Wahoo | 2780 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000678 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1977 | Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE | |
NE | Wahoo | 3118 | The Saunders County National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3313 | D | A204525K | Image | Image | 12/1/1973 | Steve Tebo, Tebo Coin Co., Boulder, CO | |
NE | Wahoo | 3118 | The Saunders County National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000094A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Wahoo | 3118 | The Saunders County National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000120A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 10/1974 | E.C. Brodd, Wahoo, NE (name of Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE, also written into box a | |
NE | Wakefield | 5368 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $10 | 1671 | E | R315329 | Image | Image | 1/29/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Wakefield | 9984 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 568 | A | A541791A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wakefield | 9984 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 2972 | B | Y592121B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wakefield | 9984 | The Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6564 | C | A318296K | Image | Image | 1/3/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Walthill | 8685 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $50 | 411 | E | A689105 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Walthill | 8685 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000420A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 10/15/1970 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Walthill | 8685 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000522A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Walthill | 8685 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $50 | B000035A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 8/1984 | Frank Nowak, The Vault, Prescott, AZ | |
NE | Walthill | 9816 | The Walthill National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 4460 | A | 4460 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Walthill | 9816 | The Walthill National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000279A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wausa | 9994 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $5 | 1708 | B | K887415B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wausa | 9994 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 2479 | A | U592945B | Image | Image | 8/11/1969 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Wausa | 10017 | The Commercial National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10 | 1162 | A | B73956B | Image | Image | 6/2007 | Don C. Kelly, Oxford, OH | |
NE | Wayne | 3392 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 1911 | B | 1911 | Image | Image | 1996 | ANA Show, Glen Jorde, Devils Lake, ND | |
NE | Wayne | 3392 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000008A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wayne | 3392 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000168A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/1986 | Dave Dorfman, Sioux City, IA | |
NE | Wayne | 3392 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000001A | C | N/A | Image | Image | Bank serial #1. Replacement note. | 11/24/1969 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA |
NE | Wayne | 3392 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000051A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 7/10/1973 | Dean Peterson | |
NE | Wayne | 3392 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000289 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 2/1994 | Alex Perakis | |
NE | Wayne | 9244 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8446 | A | D710868H | Image | Image | 8/27/1971 | Ex. Bill Bailey; Bob Medlar, San Antonio, TX | |
NE | Weeping Water | 3523 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 2922 | C | M343957 | Image | Image | 4/1982 | Ed Bishop, Fremont, NE
Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Weeping Water | 3523 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 7557 | F | 7557 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Weeping Water | 3523 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | B000044A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Weeping Water | 3523 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000059A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Weeping Water | 3523 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000320A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Weeping Water | 3523 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000177 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1985 | American Currency, Memphis, TN | |
NE | Weeping Water | 5281 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Date Back | $20 | 208 | B | B428518 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | West Point | 3340 | The West Point National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 6800 | F | X169742H | Image | Image | 6/12/1971 | Commerical Coin Co., Camp Hill, PA | |
NE | West Point | 3340 | The West Point National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8346 | D | 8346 | Image | Image | 6/1988 | Bill Brandt | |
NE | West Point | 3340 | The West Point National Bank | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 6531 | B | N361103H | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | West Point | 3340 | The West Point National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000657A | C | N/A | Image | Image | (1970) | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | West Point | 3340 | The West Point National Bank | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | D000143A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | West Point | 3370 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1763 | E | B155345K | Image | Image | 1997 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | West Point | 3370 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000129A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | West Point | 3370 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000138A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Wilber | 2991 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | - | - | - | Image | Image | The state seal and selvage trimming around it are all that remain of this note. However, the front of the seal and selvage reveal the charter number of "2991", making this the only surviving fragment of a note on this charter. | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger |
NE | Wilber | 6415 | The National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 528 | B | U329834A | Image | Image | 3/1981 | Lyn Knight, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | Wilcox | 7861 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $20 | 881 | B | E912519A | Image | Image | 8/1989 | Al Armstrong, Scottsbluff, NE | |
NE | Wilcox | 7861 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2177 | B | R644879D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wilcox | 7861 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000026A | C | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Wilcox | 7861 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E000558A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 7/10/1975 | Trade with Ralph Fobair | |
NE | Wilcox | 7861 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000055A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1/12/1971 | E.C. Mann, Tucson, AZ | |
NE | Wilcox | 7861 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $20 | A000001A | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | Bank serial #1 | 8/16/1969 | ex. Amon Carter Jr.; Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA |
NE | Winnebago | 9671 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3506 | A | 3506 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 3625 | C | R895733R | Image | Image | 8/16/1969 | ex. Amon Carter Jr.; Hickman & Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 8192 | C | Y528798E | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 11799 | C | 11799 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | D000216A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000040A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D000523A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 4029 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | A000142A | A | N/A | Image | Image | 11/29/1970 | woman from Manhattan, KS | |
NE | Wisner | 6866 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 7284 | D | A483775K | Image | Image | 11/1968 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | Wisner | 6866 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 8239 | E | 8239 | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 6866 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $5 | C001238A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wisner | 6866 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000610A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 11/27/1970 | Ted Alvey | |
NE | Wisner | 6866 | The Citizens National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | E000103A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wolbach | 8413 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $20 | 88 | A | T28343 | Image | Image | 5/26/1977 | Trade with Hickman and Oakes via Lyn Knight | |
NE | Wood River | 3939 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Date Back | $10-$10-$10-$20 cut sheet | 2023 | A-B-C-A | A600375B | Image | Image | 12/1996 | Virg Marshall III, Wymore, NE | |
NE | Wood River | 3939 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 5842 | B | Z24353H | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | Wood River | 3939 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $5 | 6304 | B | 6304 | Image | Image | 11/19/1970 | Dean Oakes, A&A Coins, Iowa City, IA | |
NE | Wood River | 3939 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $20 | 2076 | A | R660531B | Image | Image | 7/12/1976 | Wood River Hoard, Marvin Luke, Farwell, NE | |
NE | Wood River | 3939 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000013A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 3/1986 | Ossie's Coin Shop, Allentown, PA | |
NE | Wood River | 3939 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000156A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 6/1975 | Virgil Mercer, Hastings, NE | |
NE | Wymore | 4210 | The First National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $10 | 1493 | C | T623131 | Image | Image | 1/29/1971 | K.P. Austin | |
NE | Wymore | 4210 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000283A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wymore | 4210 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | C000452A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | Wymore | 14282 | The Wymore National Bank | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A001084 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | Wynot | 8335 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 1297 | F | M697249H | Image | Image | 11/1968 | Twin City Stamp & Coin, MN | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1902 plate | $5 | 7720 | G | N222552B | Image | Image | 9/7/1972 | Coin and Currency Institute | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1902 plate | $5 | 10983 | E | B53474D | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1902 plate | $10 | 8433 | E | U372105D | Image | Image | 2015 | Lyn Knight Auction, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1902 plate | $20 | 5753 | B | V140295B | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1902 plate | $20 | 10305 | B | B478857E | Image | Image | 5/5/1971 | Fred Sweeney Rare Coins, Kansas City, MO | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 2485 | A | A490087H | Image | Image | 2015 | Lyn Knight Auction, Overland Park, KS | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 8044 | C | 8044 | Image | Image | 6/1979 | Richard Montford,IPMS, Memphis, TN | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 9073 | A | 9073 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $10 | 10308 | B | 10308 | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $20 | 5811 | A | 5811 | Image | Image | 8/1977 | Ossie's Coin Shop, Allentown, PA | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $20 | 7514 | A | 7514 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back; 1922 plate | $20 | 9221 | A | 9221 | Image | Image | 1995 | Tom Hallenbeck, Colorado Springs, CO | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | F000847A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | D001812A | D | N/A | Image | Image | 5/23/1974 | Oswin Keifer, Sr. Collection, Bostwick, NE | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | E002345A | E | N/A | Image | Image | 3/12/2007 | David Willsie, Lincoln, NE | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000687A | F | N/A | Image | Image | 9/13/1969 | Dean Peterson | |
NE | York | 2683 | The First National Bank of | 1929 Type 2 | $10 | A000457 | N/A | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | York | 3162 | The York National Bank | 1882 Brown Back | $5 | 1704 | C | H607716 | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | York | 4935 | The City National Bank of | 1882 Brown Back | $20 | 3148 | A | R527972R | Image | Image | 10/10/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE | |
NE | York | 4935 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 3409 | C | Z700182B | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | York | 4935 | The City National Bank of | 1902 Plain Back | $10 | 12521 | C | 12521 | Image | Image | 4/25/1968 | Hickman and Waters, Des Moines, IA | |
NE | York | 4935 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $10 | B000771A | B | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | York | 4935 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | C000094A | C | N/A | Image | Image | 1973 | Dale Milby Collection, Fullerton, NE | |
NE | York | 4935 | The City National Bank of | 1929 Type 1 | $20 | F000395A | F | N/A | Image | Image | - | No listing for this note in purchase ledger | |
NE | York | 7821 | Farmers National Bank of | 1902 Red Seal | $10 | 1150 | B | V794893 | Image | Image | 10/10/1969 | Brandeis Department Store, Omaha, NE |